I have bad news and good news. I'll start with the bad news so we end on a positive note. The good news will also make more sense.
A few years ago we started carrying tea towel from our supplier L'Ensoleillade that were depictions of famous impressionist paintings. They included some pieces by Van Gogh, Cezanne and my personal favorite, Monet. The towels were just absolutely gorgeous. The printing was just right and the cotton towel was thick and soft. We listed them for sale and they started selling like hotcakes or "little breads" as we say in France ("petits pains" in French). We had great feedback from our customers and to this day not one was returned! Now for the bad news part. L'Ensoleillade decided to stop making them. We complained and begged but they said their decision was finale. Why did they stop? Honestly I am still scratching my head on this one but it's quite typical for French manufacturers to discontinue hot sellers. Go figure.
Now for the good news. As we were still getting over the shock, we learned that their competitor, Tissus Toselli, decided to start their own line under their brand Marat d'Avignon. We rushed to place an order and waited impatiently to see what they looked like. Boy, were we pleased. The towels are as beautifully printed as their L'Ensoleillade counterparts and the fabric is equally as thick and soft. Yes! Thank you Tissus Toselli. As a bonus, the new Marat line includes the frame printed right on the towel. How convenient is that?
We received 5 different ones already and are busy listing them on the website. They include the Café Terrace at Night and Sunflowers by Van Gogh, Poppies, Water Lillies and Bridge over a Pond of Water Lillies by Monet.